A branch of V.S. Pustovoit All-Russian Research Institute of Oil Crops

The Lipetsk State regional agricultural experimental station

8 (4742) 34-63-61
8 (4742) 35-51-65
The Lipetsk State regional agricultural experimental station was founded in 1956. The All-Russian Research and Design and Technological Institute of Rapeseed was established on its basis in 1986. Since December 2020, the Lipetsk Rapeseed Research Institute has been established — a branch of V. S. Pusrtovoit All-Russian Research Institute of Oil Crops. Scientists of the branch are engaged in the production and sale of seeds, marketable products of crops and processed products, and production waste.

The main directions of breeding and scientific work

  1. Development of new breeding methods and development on their basis of highly productive, competitive, resistant to main pathogens and abiotic stressors hybrids and varieties of oil and essential-oil crops, adapted to different soil and climatic zones of the Russian Federation and meeting production requirements.
  2. Development of the biological basis for breeding oil and essential-oil crops, including research in genetics, physiology, biochemistry, immunology, botany, and agroecology.
  3. Development and implementation of high-precision, environmentally acceptable, cost-effective, resource-saving technologies of primary and industrial seed production, technologies of marketable production of oil, essential-oil, and other crops for different soil and climatic zones of the Russian Federation.
  4. Development and testing of cost-effective biological and chemical means of protection of agricultural plants from pests, and diseases during plant growth and seeds during storage.
  5. Development and support of genetic collections for important breeding traits.


Department of rapeseed breeding and seed production
1) Laboratory of rapeseed breeding and seed production: Laboratory of rapeseed breeding and seed production is engaged in the selection, study, and evaluation by a number of indicators of varietal diversity of rapeseed from the world collection of N. I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, identification of material samples perspective for practical breeding and development on their basis donors of economically important traits; keeping rapeseed samples of biological collection in vivo; development of new parent material for practical breeding of rapeseed and other oil cole crops in the forest-steppe conditions of the Central Chernozemic economic region; solving theoretical and practical issues of breeding, development, and introduction into production of new varieties and hybrids of spring rapeseed and other oil cole crops; ecological variety testing of new and promising domestic and foreign varieties and hybrids of rapeseed; primary multiplication of breeding lines of rapeseed for sending to the State variety trial of Russia and other states. 2) Laboratory of genetics, immunity, and breeding of rapeseed hybrids: Laboratory of genetics, immunity, and breeding of rapeseed hybrids is engaged in developing schemes for the breeding of F1 hybrids of spring rapeseed and their parental components; development of sterile analogues of spring rapeseed varieties on the basis of CMC-type "Polima", "Ogura" and evaluation of their combining ability, productivity and quality characteristics of seeds; obtaining seeds of F1 hybrids on a sterile basis and progeny of analytical hybrid crosses in search of fertility restorers; identification and development gene sources of spring rapeseed resistant to main diseases; immunity evaluation of breeding and collection material of spring rapeseed in the field artificial inoculation background; selection of the most promising, phytopathogen-resistant samples. 3) Laboratory of rapeseed biotechnology: The laboratory deals with obtaining the original parent material based on tissue culture in vitro for use in breeding and genetic programs; development of methods for stable gynogenic spring rapeseed lines and improving the efficiency of obtaining haploids of spring rapeseed; obtaining parent material based on mutagenesis. Currently, the department is headed by V.V. Karpachyov, Doctor of agriculture, Professor, and Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Department of cultivation technology of rapeseed and other crops
The department is focused on research and development of topical issues of research work; studying the effectiveness of using various agricultural practices in the cultivation of field crops; studying the impact of macro- and micro-fertilizer application technologies on growth and development, yield, and quality of crops; studying the fodder values and nutritive value of the green mass of products, as well as vegetable oil and forage protein yield per hectare; identifying the features of changes in the yield structure of plants depending on the studied agricultural practices; determining the effectiveness of different dates of harvesting green mass and methods of harvesting seeds of agricultural products; establishing the most cost-effective agricultural technologies of cultivation; conducting contract research and development work. At present, the department is headed by V.P. Savenkov, Doctor of agriculture, senior researcher.
Biochemistry laboratory
The biochemistry laboratory is conducting research on the seeds of oil, grain, and leguminous crops by biochemical indicators (fat, protein, glucosinolates, hygromoisture, initial moisture, fatty acid composition, acid number, quantity and quality of gluten, germination ability); the study of green mass of plants by the indicators of the nutritional value of feed (fat, protein, moisture, carotene, fiber, phosphorus, sugar, nitrates); soil research by agrochemical indicators (humus, pH of salt extract, hydrolytic acidity, labile phosphorus, nitrate, and ammonia nitrogen, total absorbed bases, moisture, exchangeable calcium and magnesium) for scientific and other departments of the institute; provides services on the extrabudgetary basis for chemical analyses to third parties. At present, the laboratory is headed by Leshonkova O.I., PhD in agriculture.
Department for scientific and technical information
The department organizes, systematizes, receives, records, registers, distributes, and searches for scientific and technical information; organizes publications; establishes external and internal communication channels; prepares exhibitions and thematic seminars.

Diplomas and awards

About branch


The address: 26 Boevoy proezd, Lipetsk, 398037, Russia

Е-mail: info@lniir.ru

Full name: Lipetsk Research Institute of Rapeseed – a branch of V.S. Pustovoit All-Russian Research Institute of Oil Crops

Short name: LRIR – a branch of V.S. Pustovoit All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Oil Crops

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